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Educating Global Citizens is the Common Goal of TED University and TED Schools


The term global citizen refers to someone who is aware of and understands the wider world and works with others to make our planet more equal, fair and sustainable. Many pioneer educational institutions pay attention to raise the global citizenship consciousness among their students.

TED University aims to improve students’ critical thinking skills to enable them to address local and global challenges as critically thinking and socially responsible graduates. In this direction, Global Citizenship Secondary Field established in 2016-2017 Academic Year to offer a variety of courses from diverse disciplines for all TEDU undergraduate students.

In order to address high school students in line with these initiatives, Global Citizenship Clubs (GCCs) have been started to establish in 2017 in various TED Schools. GCCs will begin to their activities starting from October 2018 with the leadership of English teachers.

GCC leaders of TED Schools and instructors of TEDU Global Citizenship Program came together on 7 October 2018 at TED University. During the meeting, experiences, ideas and suggestions related to TEDU Global Citizenship Program were shared with the teachers of TED Schools.

More cooperation between TED Schools and TED University will continue.