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Book: “Proje Yönetimi: Analitik Yaklaşımlar” - Assoc. Prof. Öncü Hazır & Dr. Utkan Eryılmaz

Assoc. Prof. Öncü Hazır, TED University Business Administration faculty member, has recently published the book called “Proje Yönetimi: Analitik Yaklaşımlar” with Dr. Utkan Eryılmaz and Mustafa Hafızoğlu, in collaboration with PMI Türkiye.

This book will serve as a guideline to explain the basics of project management, to describe the important concepts and methods while emphasizing the analytical models and approaches. Since the business environment merges different disciplines, the needs of a wider audience are taken into consideration in this book. Readers with technical and natural science backgrounds can use this book to gain information about the operations research methods, project management practices and the managerial terms; whereas readers with social backgrounds could familiarize themselves with mathematical approaches that are used in business problems.

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